
Throughout my coaching business I find that many of my clients appreciate a holistic approach to creating a vibrant, fulfilling life they love – which includes their physical well being. For that reason I have expanded my offerings to include these products as important supporting elements to physical health. Click below to learn more and reach out to me to learn how you can incorporate these wellness resources into your life.

The LifeWave company, created by inventor David Schmidt produces a full spectrum of non-transdermal patches utilizing light therapy for vibrant wellness. In particular, the x39 patch is proven to stimulate your own dormant stem cells so they can awaken and aid in your body’s self healing process.

To learn more, click the link below which includes videos, studies, etc.


Contact me via email to hear my personal testimony or to make a purchase: barbara@mightyinspiration.com

Young Living essential oils are pure from seed to seal! The health benefits and support are proven and well-known. If you want the purity this brand provides you can purchase directly on the website by creating a customer account using my member #884736. If you are interested in getting distributor pricing contact me via email and I can help: barbara@mightyinspiration.com
